Today is the last day of 2014! This year has passed quickly and was a full of fun activities. I officially registered my business in the beginning of the year and decided to focus mainly on weddings. It was a lot of work but I had great fun and learned a lot. I blogged less due to lack of time, but I am hoping to be able to post twice a week in the 2015. Thank you so much for those who participated in the blog survey. I really enjoyed reading everyone’s responses and it has helped me greatly already. I appreciate everyone’s support <3
Wedding dresses
Here are some of the wedding dresses I made this year.
{Two-way wedding dress}
{Boho wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses}
{Two-way wedding dress}
{Three-way gold lace wedding dress}
{Wedding dress sketch for a customer}
{Satin & organza flower girl’s dress}
Clothes I made for myself
Here is around up of what I’ve made for myself this year. There are some items that did not make to blog but have been my favorites nonetheless. Hopefully I can take pictures of them soon. I made bunch of tops, including Grainline Studio Archer button ups (made four in total!) but no skirt or pants. Andy’s grandmother bought me Ginger jeans pattern from Closet Case Files for Christmas, so it will be my first sewing project for the year 2015.
{Pink coat (BurdaStyle Wool Long Coat 08/2012#101B)}
{Butterick 4610 Camel Wool Coat}
{Butterick 4610 Pale Pink Jacket}
{Grainline Studio Archer button up shirt}
{Grainline Studio Archer button up silk variation}
{Boyfriend T-shirt}
{Daisy print kimono}
{Kawasaki city dress}
{White tank dress with tulip hem}
I did a several photoshoots this year but most of them did not end up on the blog, mostly because I did not have time to sort through the photos. I posted under the “2014 Lookbook”, so you can check them out here if you are interested. I contributed as a wardrobe stylist for a promotional video shoot by students at Tokyo Visual Arts. It was shown in a gallery in Shibuya, and the link to the video is here.
Another highlight is that I participated in a fashion show for the first time! It was very exciting. My blog post is here.
{Spring + Bridal Photoshoot}
{Simple is Best}
{Bridal Lookbook with Paint with Stars}
{Powder blue and sequin}
{Antique studio shoot}
{Collaboration with a photographer Taichi Hatano}
Easy DIYs
I love in-between projects. I can get an instant satisfaction out of easy DIYs. Here are some I’ve done this year.
{Sweatshirt DIY}
{DIY Pale Pink Faux Leather Clutch}
{DIY 90’s dress to a peplum top}
{Toddler T-shirt to dress tutorial}
{DIY Dress to a cropped top}
{DIY Lace Shorts}
{DIY clay deer head decor}
{DIY distressed denim from thrifted jeans}
I had a chance to visit Ho Chi Min City for our 7th year wedding anniversary and Philadelphia, D.C., NY and Hawaii. I much prefer to spend money on travel than buying things.
{Ho Chi Min city, Viet Nam}
{Washington, D.C.}
Personal + Family
My daughter turned three and we started to foster care a ten year old girl. Due to her circumstances, our foster daughter only comes once every three weeks now and mainly lives in a group home, but we are excited to see how this will develop.
Wishing everyone a happy new year!! xo
今年のブログround upです。ウェディングドレス作りに専念し、自分のお洋服もたくさん作れた年でした。皆さん、よいお年を!
{find me elsewhere: shop, facebook, etsy, twitter, pinterest, instagram}