Kiko has been really picking up language, it is so much fun to watch! While we were in the U.S. for two weeks in February, she learned so many new words, like “snack”, “all done”, “donut” (you can tell what the grandparents had been giving her on my absence) or “elephant”. Andy and I both speak to her in English at home, but still I was amazed how much she picked up within a few days we were there. It made me think maybe I wasn’t talking to her enough at home. She received a constant shower of language from her grandparents, and other extended family, and I saw the effect of that first hand!
Sometimes it is a challenge to figure out what she is talking about. For instance, she kept saying “bider” but I had no idea what she meant, until I figured out that she meant to say “spider”, and wanted to do itsy bitsy spider together.
Also, she pronounces the “si” sounds like a Japanese person, and here is a little video clip of what she ended up with. She is trying to say “sit”; I think she learnt it from me asking her to sit down everyday. Hope you have a chuckle out of it:)