My daughter turned three last week! We threw her a birthday party with the theme “cupcake decoration” (You can see the first birthday party “pink and piggy” here and second party “Minnie mouse” here). I love planning a party like this. I start by collecting images on Pinterest (party idea board), and slowly collecting the items for decorations. Andy’s grandmother was kind enough to send me many cute pieces like cupcake liners, hello kitty cupcake toppings etc.
The day before the party, I baked about 100 cupcakes(!), which certainly satisfied my baking urge that I get once in a while. For the party, I added the whipped cream on top, since I was too lazy to make actual icing. They don’t cell easy icing mix like they do in the U.S. here. The kids loved it! I was a bit concerned that decorating cupcakes would be beyond what a three year old and her friends could do, but they seemed to have had fun decorating and licking the chocolate toppings.
I decorated the house with tissue paper ponpons and washi paper garland that my friend, Taren of Oslo and Alfred made. The one side of the wall is decorated with washi tape (DIY here) and I also have Kiko’s watercolor”art” hung up on the wall.
Andy is not known for his DIY skill, but he volunteered to make a pinata. That is something you can buy at Target for 10 bucks in the U.S., but in Japan such a thing does not exist. We tried to order one on Amazon, but after adding the shipping cost, it was about 50 dollars. Andy read some tutorials online, and used balloon, newspaper, flour and water to make the shell. After two or three coats, and letting them completely dried, he popped the balloon and put candies inside. It looked ugly, so I attempted to paint it with gold spraypaint, but it ran out while I was painting. So you can see it in the picture that the pinata has some “bold spots”. Oh well, the kids liked it, so I think that is what matters the most!
We did not call this party a “birthday party” on purpose. We did, at first, just like we did for her 1st and 2nd parties. But she started to act a bit princessy and act as though she would necessarily get all the attention because it was her birthday. So Andy and I told her that we are doing cupcake decoration party so that everyone can enjoy. It took some talking with Kiko, but at the end I think she understood. Attitude gone, problem solved.
I very much enjoying having my little girl in my life, and the more she grows, the better it gets. I don’t really look back on her baby days as I think she is more fun to hang out with now that she can talk. There are some kind things she says, like “come here mommy sit with me! Do you want some blanket?” that makes me chuckle. The other day, I let her paint her nails pink with my nail polish, and after she was done, she was so proud and asked me to take a picture of her nails(evidence here). Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to see her all grown up, living on her own and having a chance to grab lunch on Saturday or something. It would be amazing! I look forward to those days.
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