One of the best pieces of advice I received as a new parent was to go on a date with my husband at least once a week. It could be something small like taking a walk together without a child or getting ice cream. The advice really helped our relationship as husband and wife. When we are happy together and enjoying each other, I can tell that Kiko is happy and she feels secure about the stability of the family she is in. It is hard to squeeze in once a week date when both of us are working and taking care of Kiko together, but as much the opportunity allows, we try to have the time of ourselves without Kiko. Last week we visited a restaurant called La Ricetta. It is a small Italian restaurant. Their panini turned out to be the best I’ve ever had. The place will be a good memory of Zama city where we have lived for the past three years. We are moving this week, and I can’t wait to settle down in our new place.
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