I wrote a review on my industrial sewing machine (Juki DDL-9000ss)about a year ago, but I thought it might be nice to show the machine in action! I hope this will be helpful for whoever trying to decide whether to buy the machine – I know I was searching for a review all other the internet when I was deciding on the machine. This video is a little over four minutes. If you have any questions or comments about the machine, please feel free to leave the comment or write to me at chie@vivatveritas.com 🙂
以前、私の工業用ミシン(ジューキDDL9000SS)について詳しいレビューをこちらに書いたのですが(英語のみ)、今日はビデオを作ってみました♪ こちらも英語ですが、ミシンを実際に使っているのが見れるようになっています。Enjoy!
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