Long before I sewed my first bra, I came across Maddie’s blog, Madalynne. As you can see, her blog is very aesthetically pleasing and I decided if I have a chance to go to Philadelphia, I would take her bra making workshop. Thankfully for me, every time Andy and I go to the U.S., we go to NY and Philly. That’s where we went school, met each other and got married, so the place has a sentimental value for us.
I missed her latest workshop, but asked if she can do a private bra making session with me and she agreed.
Here are some of the photos of her studio. You might be already familiar with it if you follow her on instagram…
We decided to work on Merckwaerdigh pattern. Since I’ve only worked with Watson bra pattern by Cloth Habit, this will be my first underwire bra sewing. I bought BHS10 as well as the DIY bra kit. The bra kit does not come with the underwire. Although Merckwaerdigh sells the underwire and channeling, I decided to buy them locally (Japan). I purchased from a site called intimate jimura. I found the selection and pricing are good although the checkout process can be cumbersome for non-Japanese speakers. Jimura does not accept credit card, so you will have to do a direct deposit.
Maddie and I only had an hour to work together, so unfortunately we did not go beyond cutting out the fabric. One great tip I learned was to use a temporary spray adhesive to stick the lining and shell fabric together and cut the pattern pieces using rotary cutter. It made the cutting so much quicker and easier. Here, I am cutting two layers of power net as lining and lace together. Maddie recommended the two layers of power net when I told her I liked having a bit of support for the bra and avoid the sheer look.Beautiful sea foam color lace from Merckwaerdith! Can’t wait to finish it.
ワイヤーやワイヤーループは下着専門手芸店intimate jimuraで購入しました。