Summer is my absolute favorite season! Love hot weather, light clothes (no layering!), the Sun, sandals, beaches and water parks, fire works and festivals!

Custom Wedding Dress & Kimono Upcycled Clothes | オーダーメイドウェディングドレス&着物ドレス
By Chie
Summer is my absolute favorite season! Love hot weather, light clothes (no layering!), the Sun, sandals, beaches and water parks, fire works and festivals!
By Chie
Happy Father’s day!
Isn’t this cake cute? I gave my father this along with a bigger cake, in a shape of a “daikoku bashira”, which means bread winner in Japanese.. :p
Sorry for the lack of update in my blog and shop, it had been a hectic week with some sad news in the family. Should be back on sewing more stuff this upcoming week. Have a great rest of the weekend!
By Chie
Hello everyone! Novita from very purple person, Kayo from crochetie and I are having a booth at an artist market in Aka renga souko, Yokohama from July 2 (fri) to 4 (sun)! If you have some time, please stop by and say hello:)
We are all bringing out handmade clothes for sale. I’m bringing some new clothes that I haven’t shown here for special price, and some new headbands and accessories as well.
I won’t be there on the 4th (Novita and Kayo will be though), but will be there all day on the 2nd and 3rd.
My name is Chie. I design and make custom wedding dresses in Tokyo, Japan. Read More…
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