So..a video diary this week. I’m sorry the sound quality is not the best and I look so dorky. I was reluctant to do a video post but Andy convinced me and he did all the work.. I hope you enjoy it
every day life
Sewing Progress This Week
{Pintuck details on the sleeves for Strawberry Koi Dress}
{Heart in the back!}
{New business cards using The Ink Nest‘s clip art (I used flower monograms)}
One girl kindly commented on facebook that the poppies in the back might make the look too cluttered. What do you think? I am not a great graphic designer, and welcome any criticism!
{Thread magazines}
{Working on peplum top in star print (similar to the polkadot one here)}
What sewing project are you working on this week? Has your sewing life slowed down as it is summer now?
Mommy’s Diary 52: Measles Scare
Sometimes I try to imagine my life 10 years from now, having maybe four kids. I will constantly be sick. This year, I’ve gotten sick four times already. I’ve gotten the rota virus, a flu, and the good ol’ regular cold twice. All of which came from Kiko! Before having her I never really got sick. Occasionally, I would catch something of course but not with the consistency I have this year
Kiko got sick last week and after three days, her fever did not go away and she had strange red spots all over her face. She had a lot of eye discharge and runny nose so we took her to the doctor. Since our regular doctor was closed on this particular day, we took her to a different one nearby. As soon as I went in I got a bit nervous since the doctor was let us say quite aged. But, considering the circumstance, I told myself, she should be very experienced and it’ll be fine. She started to examine Kiko and told me that she might have measles. She said the zits on her face made her to believe it might be measles, but just told me to watch her for a few days and come back. When I told this to Andy he was furious because the doctor did not do further tests to determine whether she had measles and if she did, she should be separated from others since she could spread the virus. Since our regular doctor was closed, we spent that day and night anxious to find out whether she did in fact have measles.
We took her to our regular doctor the next day and it turned out that she just has a bad cold plus a weird reaction from some strange bug bite. I was relieved but then went on to yell at this doctor and told him “Don’t you think it was irresponsible of the doctor (the one we took the day before) to give me a premature diagnosis without testing and send us home?!”. He was like, “Don’t yell at me for it!” . I realize it wasn’t his fault but I was frustrated although relieved!
Today we got her vaccinated for MMR. Oh the wonderful things a child can bring to our family…