This week we took our first trip from Japan to Andy’s hometown, NY – 12 hour flight with Kiko. It was really a nerve racking event since our first flight with Kiko didn’t go all that well. I wrote more about it here, if you are interested, check it out 🙂 Here is a list of things we packed for our flight:
1. Two extra set of clothes. I didn’t think I would need two sets, but I ended up needing them both. My daughter threw up twice during the flight while watching TV, so I was glad I packed these.
2. New toys and snacks to occupy the child. It’s better to be over prepared than under prepared.
3. Eye mask. This was surprisingly helpful. I didn’t realize how bright it was on the plane while they are serving meals. Kiko was asleep when the light was on, and it was helpful to have something to cover her eyes. She resisted wearing the mask at first, but eventually she got used to it. Also having her favorite stuffed animal had helped her relax.
4. Extra diapers and wipes. Same as #1, you never know what will happen. Kids have amazing timing. Kiko has a very regular schedule…except for this day My daughter pooped twice on the plane, so having spare diapers on hand was so helpful. I packed 10 diapers and 1 pack of diaper wipes.
5. Gummy candies to for ear discomfort during take off/landing. I gave them to her in the beginning and end of the flight and she did not cry at all during those times.
But honestly, the most helpful item we used was a little bit of Benadryl. I feel a bit embarrassed to admit that we used Benadryl, but it really helped her to sleep better during the flight. She slept 8 hours our of 12 hour flight. I’ve heard that some kids become hyper with Benadryl, so we “tested” it when Kiko was sick to make sure that she reacts ok to the medicine. And she does 🙂
Cristiane Corrêa says
Hi Chie, my first daughter cryed 8 hours when me and my husband went to NY, I was so tense, so nervous, baceuse she got chicken pox, so since there we decided to travel just next year (she will be 6 years old, and my second daughter will be 3 years old), so congrats to Kiko, and for you guys!!!!