It has been four months since Kiko came into my life. The time has gone so, so quickly!
But, enough reminiscing, on to the topic at hand. I’ve heard that a woman can lose a significant amount of hair 2-3 months after giving birth. Apparently, this is because of some hormonal change. One of my friends told me that she lost her hair like a shedding dog. I heard about it, but wasn’t really believing it until now. I assumed it would not be a problem for me, because I have (or had) hair which is super thick hair so losing some would actually be good for me. I was wrong! I’m losing so much hair, it’s crazy! When I wash my hair, the drain gets clogged with hair. I sweep the floor every morning because I see my hair all over the place! And sadly, I found a bald spot on the front side of my forehead.
Look (see arrow).
So to hide my bald spot, I cut my bangs a bit shorter than usual and let it hang. I prefer to have long bangs, so long it almost mixes with my back hair. That way I can put all my hair up when I put it in a bun. It helps to combat the heat and humidity in Japan Summer. But my bald spot kept growing so I had no choice but to cut my bangs.
I’m also trying not to put my hair on pony tail or bun too much so it’s not always pulling the hair thereby making the balding process worse. As a result I did some hair experimentation and I came up with this braided hair style that does the job of looking o.k. and hiding the baldness! I really like the result! It is similar to Milk Maid braids, but it takes less time in my opinion. I get this done in less than two minutes and it perfectly hides my bald spot 🙂
1. Braid your hair from the top of your hair all the way to the end. Secure the end with a small elastic band.
2. Bring the braid all the way to the top of your head like a head band. Using pins of your hair color, secure the braid around your head.
3. Wear a headband to hide the end of the braid 🙂
Lisa says
The same thing happened to me after my babies. I think the pregnancy hormones make the hair that you shed on a daily basis stay in, but after birth the hormones drop down so it makes the retained hair fall out at once, so it seems like you are losing alot. Basically, my hair just went back to the way it was before I became pregnant, so I don’t think you will actually go bald.
Chie says
hi lisa! i hope this is temporary! i can’t wait to have my normal hair back!
Laura Wilson says
If you can find biotin, that will help. It helps more if you take it early, though.
Ai says
same here chie 😀 you are not alone again at this point. I used to have super long hair but now i had it cut to super short one because after two kids i lost a lot of hair. that i freak out many times and still searching for the right shampoo..herbal ones. When I was single, i use horse shampoo and really made a lot of wonders to my long hair..and been trying to find one here in europe but friends told me that only in the USA i can find one. For now, i settle for herbal shampoos and cut my hair super short but this time wanting to have long again. And now too, im taking special pills for hair and skin..actually vitamins for hair, skin and nails. If you can find one in your area try it out.
i can actually relate to your feelings. Hugs and kisses from here xxxooo
Rebecca says
This hair style is the cutest! I’ve been looking for something to get the hair off my neck while still looking chic, and this is perfect! Thank you!
Lisa says
What are you eating in the picture!!!!!!??
Hana K. says
I feel your pain. It is EVERYWHERE! So hard to keep it off my son too since he’s on the floor grabbing everything.
Rachael says
i like your hair tutorial– cute hairstyle 🙂 i might have to try it 🙂
ps. hope your hair grows back quickly– i know my friend who had a baby a couple of years ago went through the same thing x
Kathya says
I just gave birth as well, although my little is older than your i just started to shed as well.
My midwife recommend to up my magnesium and vitamin E. Good Luck!!!
ps. in most cases your hair will grow again but it is possible that it wont so i would recommend to watch your diet and up the vitamins to help it.
Chie says
aw congratulations!! thats so exciting 😉
i hope i will get my hair back. im taking multi vitamin supplement!
Van says
You are absolutely stunning! I love Kiko’s name.
kathya says
Chie, i just heard that plain nori supposed to stop you from shedding if you still are.
i have been eating sushi like crazy and it is working, plus YUM!!!! ^_^