There was a pleasant surprise today in the mail. Burdastyle sent me their very first project book, which consists of Burdastyle members creations. All the creations are based on their pattern.
Here is mine! My tara pattern variation. I simply lengthen the pattern, and took off the sleeves (although I love its fairly like sleeves), and replaced them with straps.Lastly, today’s outfit. I felt pretty lazy today, it’s Monday. I woke up late (7:30), and just have to be comfortable to start the week.

lunatepetal says
congrats on being featured in the book! i didn't know they were working on such a thing! wonderful! is it something we can check out in a book store?
chie says
thank you! i dont think burdastyle mentioned anything about it on their website. not sure if they are going to publish, but it will be cool if they do!
NGLaLALa says
Cool… congrats! Love your outfit, too! I wanted to make a top similar to that… so much to make.
chie says
thank you nglalala!
Sholpana says
HI! Congrats) I like ur creations in! Zippers r very interesting details n u created great clothes using zipper! I like this tendency so much!
Looking forward to see all the craetions with zipper detail;)
chie says
hi sholpana! thank you for your compliment:)
it was a bit difficult sewing the zipper on to a stretchy fabric!