Look! The color of my tights are matching with the flower in the back yard:p
I made this dress last night after watching prison brake.. I am so into this show now. I am at the season two now. Wentworth Miller is too cute.
Anyways, I can think of so many different variation of this dress. For instance, I am thinking of making it in light gray & pale pink combination, or dark red & dark gray combination..
Also, if I get too lazy, I can use already-made t-shirt for the upper part.
This is embarrassingly unprofessional, but this pic above is the pattern I drafted last night. I use flyers which comes with news papers in the morning:p I usually use two big ones, and tape them together. Then using the measurements, I quickly draft patterns, and change here and there as I go along.
I have never been trained as a professional seamstress or anything. I learned everything from BurdaStyle, other online sources and books I take out from libraries. So I am not in a position to advise anyone about sewing, but here are some tips I learned over time to make your sewing time a bit smoother and faster:
* Don’t pin patterns to fabric. I use paper weights (actually just heavy coasters I got for my wedding) to hold the patterns, and cut it out. This saves a lot of time.
* Don’t baste. I personally think this is a waste of time, unless you are making a wedding dress or something big. I use some pins, but sometimes skip that entirely as well.
* Serge first, then connect the parts together – I used to serge as I went, but I found out, taking care of the edges of the fabric first saves a lot of time at the end.
Eva Internazionale says
It's so awesome that your tights match the flowers. I love these little photo accidents.
chie says
me too! what a conincidence:)
Jowy says
Love it that ur selftaught and make great things, tells alot about ya, u rule!
One Love,
lunatepetal says
cute 🙂 looks good with the purple tights too!
i've been wanting to make something just like this for a looooooooong time… always lots of ideas in my head, but too many different ideas, too little time 🙁
The Fabulous Girl says
wow beautiful dress. i think i'm gonna try making one as well. love the colour of your tights as well. i need to get a purple pair.
Just Angie says
kirstyb says
dress looks lovely – great tips xxxx
satomi says
chie says
さとみさん☆ コメントありがとうございます☆ちゃんと届いてよかったです!
パターンは、自作です。すいません、”売り出し”とか書いてあるチラシ使ってて笑 胸の部分は紙を自分の体に当てて無理矢理型作りました。。
hi jowy, thank you! there are a lot of online tutorials out there!!